Quote wrencat1873="wrencat1873"Although it's not palatable, at some point there will need to be dialogue with the leaders of ISIS and their ilk to find a long term solution, assuming that there may be one.
At the moment, everyone is rightly outraged but, that wont stop a repeat of this, either in the UK or, elsewhere.
The aspect of this that disgusts me most is that it is being done in the name of religion and perhaps if the religious leaders of all faiths started preaching a slightly different message, we may actually have a better world to live in.'"
Dialogue with ISIS? And lefties wonder why they're labelled 'loony'.
ISIS don't want dialogue. They want us (the West) dead. All of us. FFS, they want all non-ISIS conforming Muslims dead, so we're not in line for any cosy chats any time soon.
They want to re-establish the Caliphate and spread it across Europe, and eventually the world, under strict Sharia rule. They will kill anyone standing in their way (by a variety of gruesome means, and all on video). They celebrate setting off shrapnel bombs amongst crowds of young girls. Be under no illusion: this is their goal.
Unfortunately the Western liberal mindset is wholly incapable of dealing with this, and of acknowledging the fact our policies of open borders, aggressive political correctness and 'tolerance' are allowing these extremist mindsets to flourish right in our communities, while we're at war with them elsewhere.
I'm a Mancunian. 3 of the victims were local to me. I've felt incredibly sad and heartbroken since the attack - but I'm also angry. And let's be honest, all this 'Love Manchester' stuff is great, but it doesn't actually achieve anything. A vigil, a poem, a few pictures of Muslims smiling with Police officers, people handing out drinks, cafes offering free brews - all very nice and perhaps necessary at this moment, but there's a huge undercurrent of anger being ignored by the press.
Do whatever is necessary. If someone is found to have ISIS training manuals on their PC, lock them up or deport them. If someone is posting pro-ISIS views or flying ISIS flags, the same applies. If the law needs changing, change it. I've said it since 7/7: stop being so nice when so many people want to kill us. Given what we know about Salman Abedi, he should never, ever have been walking the streets of the UK.
And another thing: if I see or hear someone else declaring 'this is nothing to do with Islam', I might huff testily. ISIS follow Wahhabi Sunni Islam, and they are far from alone in this. Everything is carried out in the name of Allah, and there is plenty of support for any attacks on the West. 'This has nothing to do with most Muslims' is more accurate. I don't blame the wider Muslim community, I blame the attackers first and foremost, and I blame us and our politicians for not being willing to take the hard, unpopular decisions at home, while having made some terrible decisions across the Middle East.