Quote wrencat1873="wrencat1873"
Our voice may not have had huge significance within the EU but, we were one on the larger players.'"
I think you will find we had plenty of clout. Now we don't.
Quote wrencat1873Politicians used to get grief and ridicule if they changed their minds or broke promises but, we seem to have entered a new era, where you can say whatever comes into your head, without consequence.'"
Post-factual democracy is the term. It would be interesting if it wasn't so scary. People are easily manipulated and are so because IMO many are just too lazy to bother to find out of there is any basis in what politicians are saying. Far too ready to accept the first thing they read and given the immediacy of the Internet and on-line propaganda from the likes of the Mail far too ready to accept the written word as gospel.
What ever happened to the adage "That just because it is written on a web page doesn't mean it is true?"