bren2k wrote:I'm not sure that's true - social care is the Cinderella cause that nobody loves, nor do they lobby for more money for it or think much about it at all until they actually need it; but the swingeing cuts to LA's social care budgets through the austerity years, has meant that many people who would be cared for in their own homes now have no choice but to present at A&E or at their GP. Many NHS services that are at breaking point and demanding more cash, wouldn't need it if social care was properly funded.
Perhaps I should have put "health care spending" in stead of NHS.
The mental health care side of things is an utter disgrace.
People now have to be on the verge of killing themselves to receive any kind of support, it's quite scary and utterly ignored by politicians of all parties.
You cant even get on waiting lists for treatment until you are on the brink.