Mild mannered Janitor wrote:In 2010, we averaged just under 14k. I get that some were disgruntled with Radford in his early years as a coach, but surely even these people must be won over by now? That there were over 25k hull supporters at Wembley, you'd like to think at least half of those would show for a home games.
I think we have about 5k fans who come to a few games without owning a pass, obviously never all there at the same time. Hope a few who made that choice financially scrape the money together for a pass.
There were clearly people yesterday who'd never been to a game, there was a family in front of me all in Hull shirts who never sang and only stood up to clap at the end, which was a bit strange. Need to get those people coming to games.
As for me, already converted a cousin who wants a pass next year.