WormInHand wrote:Oh get a grip you silly man.
What's xenophobic about calling a Frenchman ermm, French? The cheese eating surrender monkey thing was a dig at him 'surrendering' to the temptation to cheat and fall over rather than stand up to the tackle. It's banter, no worse than calling northerners 'flat capped pipe smokers' or Aussies calling us Pommies.
The stupid post wishing him injury was revolting and soon jumped on, rightly, but the rest of it is you making a mountain out of a molehill with the soil you're digging out of that hole you've made for yourself.
There was no need to start drawing comparisons with war - there are no moral winners in war, merely enforced bravery and suffering on all sides. Your analogy was embarrassing and your reaction suggests you're the sort of person who would run to fetch a sledgehammer when a picture falls off the wall.
Your black and white glasses blind you.
Quoting a xenophobic and sometimes racist poet exposes you.
The continued justification for the xenophobic pitiful and unfunny trash on this thread should have had it deleted at birth.
How's about a thread titled....... 'Frank Pritchard lazy Samoan ####'77 tackles all season. Pathetic.
I'll start that tomorrow.
The response on here will be fascinating.