Kiyan wrote:Sale had money when we didn't and took the lease of the stadium shop, but have come up with a possible decent/professional solution:
Get a trailer (similar to the one RFL had at England warm up game at RLWC - think chip trailer without the chips), have it professionally branded and use it as a shop on game day, maybe one night a week at stadium and other days have it at Lowry, Eccles, Preccint, Fates, markets etc selling gear and tickets.
Seems a cheap, better option to me and raises profile.
Any thoughts? Downsides? -and yes I did send the idea to Vickers with no response.
Cracking idea, easier way then of getting out and about the area, the best option would be the side without the retail serving area you put specific details of the next match on there so you can promote the next game while traveling.
Unfortunately you're not the first to say similar about sending an idea in, know a couple of people myself included) who have but very little feedback from it.