I remember listening to my father speak almost in exactly the same tones, the insistant proffering to give an example to back up what's being said, to 'prove' that something was so, the 'jokey' putdowns, all repeated ad-nausuem and so on and so forth...
Then and as it is now, utter gash.
This interview sums Radford and indeed the club up for me, bewilderingly, incompetently, clueless, seriously is there no-one, no-one at all able to deal with things like this, to actually act in an adult way and tell players what not to do from the outset.
This is what happens when you don't have a CEO, when your so called directors are little more than yes men without any idea whatsoever, where's our 'communication 'director' or indeed Pearson, not this buffoon who hasn't got the foggiest idea.
It needs someone to be able to come out and tell the truth no matter how hard that might be, if for tactical reasons you tell a white fib to fool the opposition that's fine, but micturate poor communication and the inability to ensure players aren't involved in idle gossip relating directly to the club on twatter or elsewhere is unacceptable.
Have the decency & the balls to say to a player upfront (for example), you weren't at the races and frankly I think your knock is effecting you, and that club policy -which forms part of your contract of employment, re social media (a policy we should have in place!) means we don't have idle chit-chat regarding what you might or might not think about such situations. WE DO NOT NEED ANY DESTABILISING SITUATIONS TO ARISE..PERIOD.
Instead we have untruths, manipulating the facts of whom read what when, yadda yadda & an interview of epicly ridiculous proportions were our coach is saying he is physically striking the players to get them to conform, albeit jokingly to the interviewer but there's enough in there that even if he didn't he is obviously
extremely narked about this (partly because he's being found out) so obviously can't help but dig himself and the club a deeper hole in a pathetic attempt to cover his booty, when clearly he just hasn't the knowhow to get his house in order and relate that in a believable way to the media, really you couldn't make this fairy-tale up!!
Yet another failing of our glorious leader and Pearson is micro-managing this? FFS