Jake the Peg wrote:The clubs will be getting around £1/2 mil extra a season under the new sky contract which should allow many to more or less break even at full salary cap
The additional income will help. But with reports of a marquee signing rule coming in shortly, fans will expect a wedge over and above the cap to be spent, probably what, £200k. Gates are down across the game. Losing 1000 off the gate is £200k pa. The user agreement's getting more expensive with the SMC. People talking about Brian Smith or similar are dreaming IMO. Firstly he'd want a wedge but he wouldn't come to a back room staff of three.
In simple terms, AP bought what he thought was a viable business with growth potential. With the size of our fanbase (14k average at one point), strong merchandise operations and stadium, you can see why. The reality though has been financial challenge. Undisclosed tax liabilities on acquisition (was due diligence adequate?), poor selection of advisors (primarily McRae, plus agents) and resultant bad decisions. For all the convenient nostalgia for Gentle we broke a record in each comp exit just before he got sacked. I think the potential attendance numbers have dropped since the acquisition in line with the game overall, but actual attendances will be way below what he'd have expected four years ago. The guy's taken a bath on acquisition costs, tax bills, pay-offs, increasing SMC charges and investment in youth development for the fans to respond by not turning up (not judging, just pointing it out) so he's squeezed at both ends. Can't blame him if he's trying to cut his losses, surely?
Virtually all RL owners are benefactors, right? Still waiting for proposals on who has the cash and appetite to take us on.
The two things I'd like to see changing are developing better contacts in Aus to get some independent advice. Build an informal network of the likes of Kearney, Brian Smith, Fitz etc to push our club over there and get insight on availability beyond agency. Thinking about it, our scouting here's not brilliant either. And for AP to be more humble in his communications, admit mistakes but be calm and articulate about what's being done to sort this perpetual mediocrity out.