Quote SmokeyTA="SmokeyTA"Died. '"
So for them, the pharma industry has worked quite well. Much better than if it wasn't in place.
Quote SmokeyTA="SmokeyTA"Yes, there are small, medium and large businesses. Small Businesses are different to medium which are different to large. There is no need to pretend they are the same. '"
Why did you only answer one of seven questions in that paragraph?
Quote SmokeyTA="SmokeyTA"So considering my question [iis as valid as asking who would you trust to research and develop new medicines: GSK or a local GP?[/i and i have given a valid and accepted answer. Can you answer my question?'"
Of course I would go to my GP for a prescription. I can't believe you really thought that was a question worth asking.
Quote SmokeyTA="SmokeyTA"My career is not as important as my life. My health is not a business. My life is not for profit. Frankly if you were to sell something not in that companies best interest to someone because it made you a little extra money, I would think you were a bit of a dick, but it would pale in to insignificance compared to a Drug company paying Dr’s to prescribe a drug, which didn’t best treat that patients symptoms, wasn’t cleared to be used for those symptoms, and was cleared for use for the symptoms it was used for using incomplete and cherry picked Data. People, literally and directly have died because of the behaviour of Big Pharma. Because of their chasing of profits, people who would otherwise be alive aren’t'"
In an earlier post you were stressing how we should trust a doctor to prescribe us medicine. Now you want to stress that they're corruptible to the point that they prescribe drugs that didn’t best treat that patients symptoms, wasn’t cleared to be used for those symptoms, and was cleared for use for the symptoms it was used for using incomplete and cherry picked Data and people have died because of their willingness to accept (presumably illegal, bribery does tend to be illegal) payment from companies simply to earn more money. I wouldn't do that with IT infrastructure so I am disturbed to find doctors are so corruptable.
Perhaps I'll seek another alternative to a GP or a sales rep.