HalifaxCougar wrote:I personally think Loyal and Burley need to get out more and not sit on here all day getting upset over nothing.
What will be will be. Up the Cougars.
What will be will be ? hahahaha oh dear , I take it you would be happy with crowds of 200
a match and playing Oxford , South wales Scorpions et al ? Aim a little higher in life and want more ,
instead of being happy with the trash we are watching this season.
And for your information ,no I don't get out too much as I cannot walk more than 50 yards
unaided and am forced to use morphine for pain relief due to a past injury so that keeps
me flat on my back half the time .
At one point , for at least 8 month this forum was the only contact I had with all things
Cougars as I couldn't even stand up ,never mind go to a match due to a broken neck and hip.
Also , if you read this forum properly you will see that it is not just myself and ' loyal fan'
that are slating Marchy.
So , please , if you do not know other peoples circumstances then Engage Brain before opening gob.