roofaldo2 wrote:If WWE had had this "Your spot is where WE put you" mentality back in 1996, there'd be no Stone Cold Steve Austin. There'd be no Rock. Both those guys were allowed to go and get over with the fans and became mega stars.
Actually, I'd go one further. There'd be no WWE. They'd have been the ones to go out of business, probably followed by WCW and that would have been that. Wrestling as a spectacle would have died in the US and been reduced down to just the small indy shows.
Though, maybe that wouldn't have been such a bad thing, as it might have seen a return to the territory system and wrestlers actually learning their trade before being shoved infront of a camera with the same bland script as the last 6 guys.
Like I said, the lack of competition has ruined things.
WWE know they have the monopoly and full control of mainstream wrestling.
Like it or lump it is their approach, as they still know people will buy the PPV's and go to the shows as there is no real alternative.
Not sure about TNA, but I can never manage to watch it for longer than 5 minutes at a time.