Durham Giant wrote:As you seem so keen on your quotes here are a few more
Quote:I have no time for morons who claim this was a prank call page 11
Yet you accuse others of being puerile and insulting
Fail. That's neither puerile nor insulting. For convenience we all refer to it as the "prank call" but it developed into no such thing, it developed into a bogus caller obtaining confidential patient information, and then a radio station using the call without anyone's consent. It was intended as a prank call, but the DJs never thought they'd get through. Having got through, they got a bit giddy ad caused a nurse to break patient confidentiality, but that's what their bosses should have understood and that's why the major blame is for the bosses' decision to broadcast.
Durham Giant wrote:Quote:I'm sure offences must have been committed and if so they must be prosecuted page 11
You wrote this at the time when everyone in the media and the usual idiots were demanding sackings prosecutions and making death threats but you insist you were not on any bandwagon.
Fail. I said I was quite sure offences had been committed, and that IF SO (note the word "if") then they must be prosecuted. What exactly is wrong with that?
Durham Giant wrote:The crux of your argument seems to be that you have not moved from your original position
Fail. The crux of my argument was and is in my first post, which I quoted for you in full last time, but clearly might as well not have bothered.
Durham Giant wrote: and that you were above all of the bandwagon jumpers and should be seen as some sort of ethereal being floating above everyone else
Oh dear. And I said any such thing when, exactly? I simply posted my considered opinion. Nothing more. "Ethereal being"? FFS.
Durham Giant wrote:Quote:On all known facts the nurse took her life as the final act in a short sequence of events in which the prank call was the first, and so the outcome of the prank was, ultimately, her death page 14
And this was at the time you accused wheels of speculation
So, I was right on all that. Your point?
Durham Giant wrote:Quote:that NO such drivel as the OP alludes to is even remotely going to come out in the wash page 16
This was two days before information came out about the Nurse previously trying to kill herself twice this year
Fail. Leaving aside your claim that she "tried to kill herself" which is just the sort of speculation you decry, (for reasons I have stated I don't believe she did intend to kill herself in those incidents) you well know that the "drivel" I referred to was the dark hints at conspiracy or that the hospital management had somehow been complicit in her death, in some weird 'dark forces at work here' kind of way.
Durham Giant wrote:Quote:Credit though for managing to twist things round to the extent that you now suggest most of the "blame" for the suicide can be put on the nurse's mental health. That is truly sick, if ingenious page 22
You wrote this when most people were accepting that her mental health must have been a major factor in what happened. Yet anyone who thinks that her Mental health in some way contributed to what happened is SICK.
Fail. The trouble is you keep deliberately twisting my clear words in an effort to decalre yourself right. The exact subject we are here discussing is her mental health
immediately before the prank call events. You claim to know she was mentally ill and on the edge. (Then you lied, and claimed you never said she was on the edge; remember?) I have pointed out that you know no such thing, and you refuse to accept it. So far as I am aware, absolutely NO information, zero, nada, nothing has come out to suggest that immediately before tehse events she was "on the edge of suicide" or mentally ill. I pointed out for the sake of completeness that I am not even saying she wasn't suffering from some mental illness, only that there is NO information to back up such a claim.
The difference is you have taken the reported events of almost a year ago and assigned permanent mental illness and being "on the edge" to her, as if she was from that moment permanently and forever a risk of imminent suicide at any time. I have said you have no justification for claiming this.
Durham Giant wrote:Quote:To sum up, you say that "IF" anyone is to blame, (so you think nobody may have done anything amiss) page 24
And this was at the time you denied that you were looking to blame people.
Fail. That's not just a lie, but a stupid lie, since I have been repeatedly saying that I mainly blame the radio station management from my very first post, and you can hardly have missed it. How do you think you can get away with this repeated lying? Do you even know you're doing it?
Durham Giant wrote:You start insulting people and then complain when others do it to you.
To whom did I complain? I suggested you apologised for an out of order remark. You chose not to, that's up to you!
Durham Giant wrote:You already suffer from knee jerk reactions, have little insight into your actions, think people are out to get you with insults and have grandiose ideas that anyone is remotely bothered about what you say
Fail. You can't specify any such alleged knee jerk reaction, you can't give a clue as to what on earth you mean by I "have little insight into (my) actions". To say I "think people are out to get me with insults" is pretty weird. You seem to think whatever you invent becomes fact. It doesn't.
Durham Giant wrote: I am just enjoying the sport with you
Well that's good, then, at least, as I'm certainly having fun showing up your illogical and contradictory ramblings. It would be good if you could cut down on the lies, and particularly the gratuitous abuse, as no debate is ever improved by that, but if you feel the need to ramp it up then crack on, it just clearly shows that, far from "enjoying the sport", you have got your knickers in a right twist, to the extent you've lost your self-control and can't help yourself being reduced to insults.
Durham Giant wrote:Thu Dec 13, 2012 3:45 pm
When you have to resort to insults you have really lost the arguement.
We agree on this.
Durham Giant wrote:Wed Dec 26, 2012 11:39 am
I wont accuse you of being a liar as it is clear you are deluded. Keep taking the tablets and see your therapist.
Durham Giant wrote:Wed Dec 26, 2012 7:14
Now now ferocious arsewipe
Durham Giant wrote:I have to say you are exhibiting elements of both neurosis and psychosis have you been assessed by your local mental health team as you have some characteristics of Borderline personality disorder.
So now you are not only nurse Saldanha's psychiatrist, you think you're mine! Brilliant! But as presumably you mean what you say, then since you have (repeatedly) resorted to insults, I must take it you accept you have lost the argument, and this is therefore the final post in this thread.