Mugwump wrote:It's worth noting that Wikileaks recently published e-mails by the private intelligence gathering Stratfor group (a sort of "shadow" CIA with all kinds of murky links to arms manufacturers, oil companies etc.) claiming a sealed indictment has been drawn up against Assange. This effectively means that once the US gets its hands on him he'll be thrown in some hole somewhere and never seen again.
British laws are incredibly difficult even for the US to crack. There are all kinds of legal protections to prevent miscarriages of justice and an army of top lawyers who are prepared to fight civil rights abuses purely on conscience.
But Sweden is an altogether different proposition. Extradition to the US is far easier and you can bet Hillary Clinton will be wielding all the power she can muster to expedite Assange's transfer once we kick him out.
OK lets assume this is the US master-plan. I read about why he has another 14 days to appeal. A supreme court screw up basing a judgement on something not tested in open court that was spotted by his QC in a 117 page document first seen by her at 08:30 and she was in court at 09:15.
But once that is dealt with is there anything to suggest our incredibly difficult to crack British laws are going to be abused to get him extradited?
It all seems to hinge on a European arrest warrant being issued by a Swedish prosecutor and if the prosecutor is a suitable person to issue it.
Is there anything to suggest our courts are bending the rules to say he is OK to issue it?