Hull White Star wrote:Just a few points on your petition:
No, people go along with same sex marriage because we live in a society that (on the whole) doesn't descriminate. Doesn't it say in the bible love thy neighbour and God doesn't descriminate?
I come up against this argument a lot. Do you think God would disagree with Christians saying theft or murder is wrong? No, he wouldn't. Sin is sin. Loving thy neighbour is doing as you would be done. I would hope my fellow brothers would strive to correct me if I were sinning.
Hull White Star wrote:They should be free to express their views
Just like people are doing on here you mean?
I agree, freedom of speech is important. However I reserve the right to admonish those who abuse it to libel my viewpoint.
Hull White Star wrote:the consultation provides an opportunity for members of the public to say they do not agree with redefining marriage.
There are 70 million people in the UK and you have 500,000 signatures. That means 69.5 million haven't agreed with you. You are in the minority here.
A counter-petition exists. It has in the region of ~25,000 signatories. So who is in the minority?
Hull White Star wrote:
If marriage is redefined, those who believe in traditional marriage will be sidelined
For me to understand your campain better and make an informed decision could you please explain how you think I as a married woman will be sidelined when I know for a fact I will not be sidelined as I'm not as bigoted as you.
You will have you marriage labelled as being the same as a plainly sinful union.
Hull White Star wrote:It's not discriminatory to support traditional marriage. Same-sex couples may choose to have a civil partnership but no one has the right to redefine marriage for the rest of us.
The first line is rather contradictory to the rest of the sentance imo. You are trying to persuade us you are not being descrimatory then go on to be descimatory by saying same sex couples can only be allowed to have a civil partnership but because its a same sex union they can't get married. And by "rest of us" I assume you are talking about hetrosexual couples? No discrimation there then.
Again, you're getting hooked up on discrimination. I believe same-sex relations to be wrong. Do you think society discriminates against murderers or rapists by sending them to prison?
Hull White Star wrote:If your views are "Christian" then I'm glad I'm not in your gang.
That is your prerogative. I can but share the Good News.