Mintball wrote:The philosophy is simple: destroy the state and any collateral damage is insignificant and unimportant.
They recognise they'll be a one-term government and don't really care as long as they've carried out that plan.
Working on the assumption that things don't improve by a huge margin over the next two/three years and on the assumption that there are more public service cuts to come, AND that the NHS is going to be crippled (hence the burying of the report today), then I'm having a hard time recalling a government who will have left under such shambolic clueless circumstances.
Ted Heath after the miners did for him springs to mind, as does Jim Callaghan, but they at least could point to very aggressive unions in the 1970s, this lot are big pussys compared to them.
Its getting more and more obvious that Cameron is just a puppet, a pretty-poster-boy who could get the evil henchmen who pull the strings into a position of pocket-lining power, I don't think he's got a single policy of his own inside his pretty head.