Isaiah wrote:How do these water authorities gain the power to impose a legal ban, that can lead to a fine?
Do they have to first apply to the courts to implement this ban?
It's called - the global water shortage crisis.
Right now we're on the cusp of a battle (at a time when seemingly all governments have bought into the notion that they have to hand everything over to the private sector) over who is going to control water and how are we going to deal with this coming water shortage. On the one hand you have a bunch of very large transnationals, the World Bank, the WTO, EU etc. who say give it to the private sector - it's going to become real expensive real soon so let it find its proper market value (which also takes into account 15 to 20 percent return on your investment) and let it go to what's known as "full cost pricing" where you pay for every litre at full cost. On the other side of the fight is a small group of people who say there has to be another way.
Unfortunately the power lies with the money and if the money says enforce hose pipe bans the government is only too pleased to write the legislature.