Istilldontbelieveit wrote:I like Phil Clarke as I've mentioned before. However, I did have to laugh at him on Boots N All last week. When he was referring to a screen in the studio which highlighted KPI's etc he'd stop talking and, visibly unsure of what to do with his hands, would hold his right hand out as if to shake someone's hand, then slip his left hand into his pocket as if he was about to have a crafty tickle of his sack. He did it a couple of times and I thought 'Phil, please, you look like a complete nob!'
Heh. Also, I liked the fact that it was just a normal telly on not a fancy Sky Pad. I'm not one of those who reckon that RL gets a raw deal off Sky but that was a bit poor. He'd have an orgasm if they let him loose on a Sky Pad.