Sal Paradise wrote:Wow all the usual suspects are ganging together!!
Oh, GROW UP!! ffs. It is both pathetic, and insulting. I'm posting what I what, when I want. I'm not in anybody's fscking gang. Respond to the POINTS I make, or don't, I couldn't care less, but cut the crap.
Sal Paradise wrote:What I am saying is this there are certain topics which cannot be discussed on here because a certain group of prominent posters attempt to strangle the debate
Nope. that is you saying something COMPLETELY different. That is you now trying to divert the topic, because you are unwilling or unable to deal with the clear argument I posted.
I will answer your new points, but that does not mean your tactic has worked. I await your reply to what I said. If you have a reply.
Sal Paradise wrote:Here are some examples of racial differences two quick ones - factual examples!!
Years ago when I had another user name I raised the issue of grooming by Pakistani boys of young girls especially in Keighley - I was pilloried on here as a racist for even bringing up this. This was and still is a major issue in West Yorkshire and their have been criminal convictions to support this.
Are you actually claiming that such 'grooming' in Keighley is due to a "racial difference"? Why then do the vast majority of "Pakistani boys" not engage in 'grooming'? Or maybe you have evidence that they do?
Sal Paradise wrote: Uninsured vehicles is another instance of non white British, most will be born here but of immigrant origin - Bradford post codes being two of the top four and these post codes being predominently inhabited by immigrants and their offspring.
How come you are not getting this? Or do you actually believe that if I am "non white British" there is some "racial difference" which stops me from insuring cars? Is THAT what you think? Really?
Sal Paradise wrote:Islam is now something that cannot be discussed on here anymore - anyone who dared to suggest all was not well in Muhammad's house was well and truly set upon by the usual suspects!!
As is fairly well known I am of the view that all religion is bollox, and has been and remains a perennial excuse for many of mankind's worst excesses. Having said which I have no clue what you mean by "Islam cannot be discussed". Where does it say that? Who has deprived me of the benefit of reading what would no doubt be your profound and insightful views on Islam? Tell me, and I shall berate them.
Now, having disposed of your attempt to divert the thread, explain to me the basis on which you claimed that "non white British people are less than totally honest". And if you get several replies, then as well as your default and paranoid conspiracy / gang delusions, maybe you should at least consider the remote possibility that it
could just be because several people disagree with you. Left field, I know, but you can't rule it out.