Sal Paradise wrote:Are you for real? maybe all the time worry about cleaners and the MRSA epidemic or companies taking pension holidays - has clouded your tiny and I mean tiny!!...
My "tiny" what?
Sal Paradise wrote:To answer you points
1. Are you seriously suggesting that the deficit was under control before the bankers blew it wide open?
You haven't answered the questions I asked.
To repeat: do you believe that either the global financial crisis was completely unconnected to that in the UK and a coincidence – or that Brown etc al caused that too?
Come on – it's not a difficult question to answer.
Sal Paradise wrote:2. Unlike under Major - Labour were experiencing unprecedented tax revenues and still the deficit was increasing at an alarming rate...
No. It. Was. Not.
Sal Paradise wrote:... 3. Now one of your favourites - please show me where I have posted that careers have big expenses accounts, I have a had a reasonable career and I have never had a big expense account?
Indeed, I doubt "careers" claim any expenses at all. Neither do carers – but that didn't stop that little fantasy of yours, did it? And I don't recall you acknowledging that you were incorrect on that score, in spite of being shown to be absolutely wrong.
But that's part of the point – you never do acknowledge being shown to be wrong.
Sal Paradise wrote:4. Do you deny that claims for incapacity benefit increased under the last Labour government to levels previous thought impossible - during a time of record spending on the NHS and a significant decrease in manual labour in the work place and increased H&S legalisation?
The word is 'legislation'. And you claim to be a great intellect!
But since you're so much better than those of who don't live in "the real world" (©
sal paradise), perhaps you can stop the knee-jerk fantasy games and provide evidence for these assertions and claims.
IIRC – and I'll have to look for the charts and stats – the numbers claiming disability benefit fell during Labour's time in office (or certainly didn't rise). That's in the "real world", chucky boy – not in your rabid, tabloid fantasy world.
Health and safety is not just about workplaces. And accidents happen – see the relevant thread – that could have been avoided if health and safety regulations had been avoided.
Good grief – even a government minister admitted, a few weeks ago, that there is no problem with H&S legislation itself, but with the fear of litigation sending people to hide behind H&S. And then the knee-jerk brigade like you, who simply prefer to accept that it's somehow at the root of 'Broken Britain', without actually being able to explain what on Earth you even mean by that.
Sal Paradise wrote:... 5. Was it a figment of my imagination but did Brown not sell off a big portion of the gold reserves at a point when gold was at its cheapest?
I haven't said he didn't – you're now into the realms of inventing red herrings in terms of this debate. However, I look forward to your condemnation of Thatcher and co for using the revenues from North Sea gas to deindustrialise.
Sal Paradise wrote:6. On the bananas - I demonstrated the volumes of small independent retailers still selling these basic ingredients, the fact that most choose to use the supermarket is not because of availability - it must be all the mind bending that you claim supermarkets subject us all too - and you claim I am "Plonker" kettle and pot!!
You leapt in to a discussion accusing me of claiming that people should not buy bananas, when I had written absolutely nothing of the sort. And this from someone who flings around accusations against other posters that they can't read properly.
Sal Paradise wrote:I suggest you need to take a chill pill - you won't need a big one for that tiny mind of yours.
Thanks for another contribution that adds something intelligent to the debate. No, really.