barham red wrote:Not seen it but it wouldn't overly surprise me,
Playing devils advocate I could say talk of hanging extremsts is not in itself racist, assuming all people of a certain race to be extremist is.
I would have also thought that the term British Jobs for British folk is also not racist, assuming all british folk are white and of the same race is.
Blocking the tunnel is not racist, merely a comment on control of illegal immigration.
These are all generally views portrayed by one or other of the major 3 political parties in the uk.
As I said I am playing devils advocate and have no doubt anyone who uses language like he did has at best mild racist views and at worst is a member of the ayrian brotherhood.
The comments BB posted are almost spot on, except he said "f***ing channel tunnel".
His comments re extremists being beheaded/burned and stinking and ugly are somewhat ironic given that his own views are, of course, extremist.
There may be hundreds of thousands of people on facebook with similar viewpoints (the BNP got over 500,000 votes in the General Election last year). However as someone in the public eye - albeit not nationally - Cockayne was incredibly stupid to post such bilge especially when he's accepted over 1,000 "friends" on Facebook.