nick hkr wrote:The word "does" and the "?" isn't guessing at all it is asking the question. But as you can't google or use the SL website to support the answer to that question your a little bit stuck!
I'm not stuck at all I have presented my FACTS which back up my point.
IK is a better player than JN it isn't my fault you can't see what is presented in front of you.
nick hkr wrote:Your post completely backed my original answer to your question, then to try and say they are not similar just because of a few extra yards or other stats. Both have been coached by different coaches and one playing in a championship winning side, so naturally ones stats should be better but what is evident is that his stats are not massively different and I would GUESS that Jase would have done better over the years playing in that kind of a team.
My post didn't back you up at all unless you are now agreeing that IK is far better on offloads and meters gained per tackle (Lets just pretend you didnt make a silly arguement about who get off the floor quicker
nick hkr wrote:Ok we get it you don't like Jason Netherton's style of play, it probably won't win us silverware and we should be signing better all round players. Just one thing...get your wallet out and pay for these players that will want at least double what Netherton earns. You can't keep expecting our board of directors to fund all these superstars and still expect them to replace a good solid worker like JN.
2 things firstly I spend more than my fair share on HKR.
Secondly last time I checked we are at full cap.
Infact I honestly think we could get rid of JN and never notice (How many team missed tackles/lack of offloads/lack of meterage again?)so you could argue that his wage is actually a waste anyway.