Regarding Franchising :
The RFL need to decide if the last set of franchises worked by looking at it properly.
The 2 immediate clubs up for scrutiny must be the 2 clubs that gained a franchise which propelled them into the top league, what has worked for them and what has failed, did Franchising make a difference that P & R wouldn't have has it helped or hindered those clubs?
They have to look if we as a International sport are moving forward based on franchising results and are we producing more players with potential to be International quality ?
Need to look at if the number of imports clubs have signed has dropped and take into consideration if the number of players applying for a different passport has risen that can distort these figures ?
Look at youth players, but not just numbers - whats the quality and what amount of them have come into the game and for what games (ie not just the end of season games)?.
Has the game progressed supporter wise (have fans bought into a closed shop league) ?
Have the clubs that finished bottom still finished near the bottom or have they improved ?
Have the championship clubs gained from it, have there crowds risen or dropped has the standard risen or dropped ?
Has the games profile risen or dropped ?
Did the clubs deliver on promises of new stadia on time and on budget ?
Did the game expand at the clubs that gained a expansion point ?
We all have opinions on it , but has anyone analized the factual results that says, Yes its a success , lets carry it on or No its a failure lets scrap it
From a personal opinion as someone who follows a lot of football I feel its a shame RL has abandoned that model of elevating teams and instead opted for franchising and how the emphasis seems to have shifted from on field results being a success to off field activities being the most important.
I would feel more happy and comfortable in the future of the game if I knew that the governing body was looking at Franchising in depth to see if its a winner across the board and was proving to be a success at all levels.