Mrs Barista wrote:A strange interpretation IMO, if somewhat convenient. The RFL guidelines indicate there are two types of programme that are not allowed. To me, the "training" one will be ball skills, teamwork, gameplanning etc, ie skills-based and tactical. The second is conditioning which to me implies general fitness, stamina and strength. We've established that neither are allowed, so not sure what "tip-toeing round the rules" that you suggest is appropriate - perhaps you could give an example. I might just ask Emma - she's in charge. Thanks for the prompt though - it is an interesting one.
No more less convenient than your synopsis. The guideline doesn't fully break down what is allowed and what's not allowed. You believe that any contact between former player and club is strictly forbidden. I doubt that's the case.
Look at it this way - we're just helping a former player recuperate from surgery, in coordination to what his rehab programme will be.
Anyway I doubt it's a big deal passport or not - if the RFL have no problem allowing a drug lord to start training early whilst banned - I doubt they'll kick up a big fuss for little injured Michael Dobson.
It's not that interesting really