It really does p**s me off to here stories of the players drinking before matches, behaving badly etc.
This year and last year we were fortunate enough to be on the same plane as the players and coaching staff going out.
Their behaviour was impeccable, they were friendly towards their supporters and well behaved on the plane. No drinking in the bar or on the flight.
Last year they spent most of the Sunday afternoon in the "Melting Pot" withn us, "horror! they were drinking alcohol. I mean young men with no game for a week enjoying the day after a game! what is the world coming to? Again well behaved mixed with us fans and got home safely.
This year someone asked Josh Barlow at half time if the players were coming into Toulouse after the game and he said no, straight back to the hotel as in his words "a very important game on Wednesday"
o.k we lost, we played poor, but there was no drinking or bad behaviour.
Well done HRLFC