The Away Days mob is back for 2011 and Red Ramblings kicks us off with his thoughts on West Hull penguins, Craig Hall's lorry ride to East Hull and Robbie Savage.
We've made some noticeable changes to the site as Rookie has decided not to renew his contract with the club so his article comes to an end, as does the out-dated 40-20 cartoon strip. In it's place, we have re-introduced 'CCTV' which, this time, will be our new video diary of away games and this will commence with the Millennium Magic weekend in Cardiff next month. We'll also be interviewing fans of our great little club on their thoughts and aspirations for 2011. This is the first time we've attempted something like this so hopefully it all goes well.
Red Ramblings and East Hull Growler will continue talking tripe whilst trying to piece together the events of away games and we've also uploaded every single picture we've taken from each of the last 4 years of Super League games - so please visit 'Archives' to see them - oh how we've grown! There are a few new pictures of fans in different places in 'Rovers' Flagro' including Kev Deighton and I am assured that Adge has began his third instalment of 'From CVA to Super League' too.
And, as always you can get in touch at: and send us anything you like - we'll stick it on!
Here is hoping for a successful 2011 and playoff berth.