very red robin wrote:Glad someones said it for me, cheers PMH.
Cassandra please explain to me why you think i should be ashamed to be a HKR supporter?
Is it because i want RL to develop into a bigger and more recognised sport?
And i never said bring any more non RL areas into the game - when/if they have a team worthwhile then yes we should, but there isnt anymore out there at the moment.
You seem to be fooled by the RFL. How do London Wales France enhance the Structer of RL. All they bring are a majority of Aussies players who can't get a club or larger pay packet back home. No traveling support no British youth. When the Rfl get their way again, and they will, SL will have Toulouse in their ranks -- even less away support.
Also To make a dream come true, you have to wake up. something the RFL seems incaple of doing.