tonylRobin wrote:agreed MrsB did like to derail threads but sometimes she did speak sense too, and did like a bit of banter i might add. some people are so far up there own arses they cant see that.
phleastyler wrote:sometimes?????? always and always to make some pointless point as if she'd got one up on someone.
Mrs B is not able to join us at the moment, so it is currently a moot point. Going in to the new year, we'd like to find a way to retain the banter, humour and openess of the board, without every thread degenerating in a cross-Hull bunfight. The way in which that balance is best achieved is under discussion. There is a determination it won't be drifting back to what it had become recently. Hopefully we can attract back some of the sensible, intelligent posters who've maybe drifted away, while still having a laugh. That'd be good for everyone.