faxtastic wrote:it does'nt exactly help us though does it.
i think that it will have some influence though, violence at a football match the night before the vote,
Spain are a rival bidder, Barcalona and Real Madrid the 2 biggest rivals in Spain met on monday and i have not heard of any violence off the pitch between rival fans
Obviously they can't cause trouble in the ground because of Fenses up around grounds in Spain to stop pitch invasions. outside the ground though from what i heard there didnt seem to be any bother between both sets of fans.
Not sure if you watch much Russian football mate, but did you not read about the Zenit fans before the game against Hajduk? Hooligans attacking a hotel full of Croats, I remember reading the fans reasoned something like “Serbs are our brothers and Croats hate them” as their reasons for doing it.