Big Dave T wrote: This loan feels a bit more generous and flexible in it's nature. That not only has a risk for the loan provider (tax payer) but it does also have further risk for the guarantour. (local council)
That isn't an additional risk, it is the passage up the chain of the same risk. If Rovers can't meet the repayments, the council will have to cover Rovers share (roughly 1/3 of the total, I believe). If the whole council goes belly up then the the rest of the country will be stiffed. It is a generous loan, I wouldn't argue with that.
Big Dave T wrote:All i can say is that i hope Rovers can keep meeting the repayments. (and i've seen no evidence that they wont) If for whatever reason they dont make the repayments it's the rest of us that will suffer!!
By my very rough reckoning, the scale of the suffering caused by Rovers failing to make repayments would be less than £5 per head in Hull or 3p per head if it became a national problem (the latter reflecting an almost unprecendented civic crisis). Serious, but hardly catastrophic.