Scanners. I feel you may have questioned my mum's integrity within your reply. I sincerely hope not. With-this-in-mind, this debate could easily descend to a nasty, accuasatory level. Please leave the dirty stuff to the politicians if you will.
Fact 1. My mum is probably the most honest person I know. She would never lie, fib or mislead anyone so far as I'm aware. (And even if she was, she did a pretty smart job in hiding the supposed wealth she had under the tories.)
Fact 2. I remember what life was like for our family from 1990'ish when I was just 5 to 1997 when I was 12. It was tough. Really tough. I also noticed the drastic change in our quality of life from '97 until now. It is significantly better.
Now, considering my mum's integrity, why is this? And why do I hear the same from countless other families in the same boat?
You strike me as a decent person who is passionate about their politics. I'd love to hear your opinion.
However, I don't believe either party has the answers to the current economic plight of the country. Such is the unsustainable nature of monetarism per se. (Different debate.)