Arghhhh....really struggling to get my head around this week!
I started the week looking for ways to get fringe players a game and have ended it by having to concede. It's a mad mad mad world!
Swear i am going to go insane trying to run a club! Even spoke to teh league on Monday about how we would go about having our 'excess' players maybe run out in other clubs second teams to allow them to get a game.
What's worse is we had 25+ available for the last two weekends, had to do a whole load of managing expectations, and probably just one injury in the camp. Am just in the process of making sure we have no more than 30 signed on as we've that many registered now and have already de-registered 3 lads and still 28 on the list - just can't believe how many are injured this week (me one of them!).