Stew2 wrote:They're pricing the floating/impulse supporter out of the game.
From what I can make out we don't get any, regardless of admission price.
Stew2 wrote:I have to weigh up spending £17 on the train over, £3 on the metrolink, £18 in, then add a few beers in and it's £50, I could have a great night out and a meal for that in Leeds (the pity!).
If you're happy to pay £13 but not £18, have 2 less pints and save yoursefl a fiver that way instead. I can't imagine many people who are willing to pay £45 for a night at the Willows being put off by having to pay £50.
Stew2 wrote:with a eg £12 entry we'll get a lot more fans in
No we won't. We struggle to get people to come who have free tickets FFS?!
Stew2 wrote:with better catering (eg real ale, rather than warm bottles of fizz - how about the Mayor of Salford Ale?) any small loss on the gates receipts would be made up with catering revenue
No it wouldn't, we don't sale anywhere near the quantity required to sell real ales at that kind of profit.
I can imagine the £18 entry fee will be enough to give people who don't want to come an excuse, but then so will £17, £16, £15, even £14.
If they drop prices below that they'd have to increase attendances considerably to make up for the lost revenue, and we can't do that.