Bertie wrote:After asking the question why another of their threads was dominated by ROVERS and asking why so many of their fans were obssesed by ROVERS the usual reaction by Hull mods....ban him
Which brings me to the question as to why the mods on here let the usual numpties from across the river constantly derail the threads and get away posing lies, rumours and innuendo's ......and thats just their mods.
Double standards me thinks.
P.S. To any Hull mod replying, feel free to post the post or posts that upset the delicate poor souls and feel free to post the AUP broken.
If you are unhappy with a Mods decision you should address it with them in the 1st instance.
If still unhappy then contact Admin.
FC fans on here are governed by the AUP like all other users.
If the trolling becomes constant i PM them and ask then to curb it.
If they ignore that request then banning becomes an option.