phil webbo wrote:When, I have spent hundreds of nights in the pub and casino with Neil, even when FC fans have a pop he just ignores them, the over used term 'irony' really does apply here, critsizing someone for alledgedly doing the same.
It must be gospel if its posted on here even though 99% of people off these forums dont even see Neil Hudgell in a pub.
Only one thing really stands out to me and thats when he told Hull to 'Put Up or Shut Up' over the Paul Cooke signing.
Perfectly within his rights do have done so as Rule was making various comments in the local media.
The only real time he refers to Hull FC in interviews is when he points out that young up and coming players now have an option at Rovers whereas Hull did have open season on all the top talent.
Its down to rivalry pure and simple with the things he has supposedly said or done simply not existing.