Iain wrote:Oh, and 30% of UK households are single person households, and they are the fastest growing type of household.
That's because single people can afford their own houses nowadays whereas in the past they would've spent it all on watching RL?!
Iain wrote:But it's a 12.5% rise on last year (inflation's running at about 1.8% at the moment), the price rise for season tickets is higher than for pay on the day (£20 v £13) and I'm fairly shocked to find us the 4th most expensive in the league
That (and Gaz's comparisons) are only true for the price of a season ticket for single people. Couples will only pay £155 pounds for a season ticket which makes ours the 4th cheapest in SL.
Has no-one else thought that, with this offer, the club are not only trying to attract families but also discourage single blokes???
Iain wrote:yes, you get a shirt, but not everyone wants one
I suspect the club want more people to own shirts, even if they're given away for free (in effect) because there's then more people wearing the club's colours around town and being seen - we're like walking adverts!
I know that giving you a free shirt doesn't necessarily mean you'll wearing it but I have noticed a significant increase in Salford shirts around the area since we started giving them out for free.