Quote Barry_McKenzie="Barry_McKenzie"Also what was with the bloke walking around at Rodney Parade selling beer out of something that looked like one of those big plastic backpacks that gardeners use to spray weeds with?
I've never seen anything like it
I swear they had just painted over the bit on the back that said 'Weedkiller only' and replaced it with a handpainted sign saying 'Beer'
You need a ground with a decent bar area attached. It doesnt have to be like ANZ stadium in Sydney.
It should be at least an area with decent toilets, food and beer areas like the JJB in Wigan.
Not an Albert Steptoe lookalike wandering amongst the throng brandishing something that looks like a WW2 German flamethrower that dispenses flat warm lager into a plastic glass'"
Barry, welcome to the Crusaders fan club, definition of a fanatic
A person marked or motivated by an extreme, unreasoning enthusiasm,
Given your unrelenting discussion (I use that term in the loosest sense) You've finally come out of the closet, welcome to the Crusaders fan club.