Starbug wrote:You obviously have not been paying attention
There are hardly any Widnes fans posting anything about this mess , they have kept well out of it generally considering they have most reason to gloat
Barry is an ozzie bar worker intent on causing trouble , nothing more
Also I doubt you will find many apart from one or two well known troublemakers actually blaming the Celtic clubn or it's fans for anything of consequence
The real animosity on all the threads relevant to this subject is aimed at the RFL , whose conduct has been appaling , and was pointed out last season and the season previous
We all knew what they were doing [ RFL ] and now it has gone wrong dont expect us to be quiet
Time for the truth , if you cannot handle the truth then you know what to do
I think you've summariesed that well Starbug. The RFL (wrongly IMO) made various dictats that clubs went along with - due to pressures of finance and a possible 'pay-off, or the promise of SL inclusion at some fabled point in the future. The championship clubs were/are negotiating from a point of weakness NOT strength and were virtually unable to resist on their own - hence the absolvement from legal challenge in the deal.
The RFL, as part of their "vision" took along Celtic with them and as such that club's performance on and off the field is now open to scrutiny by those like me who believed the removal of P+R was wrong, their [celtic] inclusion in SL was ill-timed and ill thought out and impacted heavily on the championship.
The RFL are losing a considerable amout of credibility. Even the regional media are losing faith in our game.
Comparison. RU has a very high profile 'cheating' case. A scandal that rocked English RU involving a much respected figure in the game. Result- public scutiny and a 3 year ban for the culprit. Transparency, which has indirectly led to the governing body appearing strong, efficient and just, coming out of the mess with a level of authoritative credibility.
Compare with the last fiasco with the Aussies permits in RL. - The RFL's stance being, "Not me gov, honest. It's the club". Washing their hands of the affair and looking bloddy ridiculous.
The club saying - "Not me either"! It's the players then!!!!!!
Result, a cloudy mess of claim and counter-claim leaving the club in limbo without 6 players - some will say tuff sheite - they deserved it. Others won't.
The RFL looking bereft of any morale or ethical backbone, managerial skills or direction other than to employ political spin worthy of a "Yes Minister" script.
And the players on their way home wondering "what have I done? I've done what was asked of me"!
The whole issue is a cacophony of excuses, spin and harm minimization that leaves the sport once again looking open to ridicule from those who just love the excuse to do so.
Someone, should take the fall for this. But in comparison to the ERFU, I doubt it will happen.