If I was being abusive I would have posted something along the lines of "f*ck off you annoying little pr*ck." As it was, I didn't, so why start crying about it?
It's not really a reasonable point... The Hawaiian shirt day is an annual event (well, annual Super League event anyway!) which takes place every year and a fair number of people get involved in, whether they post on here or not. This "Devil Night" was the idea of three people or so a couple of days before the game on an internet forum which will easily have been missed. That's without getting into the argument of whether or not it would have been a good way of getting the point across to the club and that they'd have taken notice of it. As it is, considering last time I looked in the club shop you could buy stuff that had "Les Diables Rouges" or "The Original Red Devils" on it I'd say the club do recognise our heritage, albeit not fully in the way we'd all like.
We're all aware of our heritage, proud of it and celebrate it everytime we watch this club play. Everyone I know wants the club to have the devil back on the badge, preferably the original one. It's on many flags and banners that some of us have had made, often at great expense. In fact...
(There are better pictures of that one, I just can't find any at the moment...)
Admittedly, a lack of room in the shed, places to hang them at away games and other issues have meant they've not got the airing they should recently, but they are there. I get the feeling they'll be getting an airing at the Quins game. But it does blow your theory at people not caring about the Devil moniker clean out of the water.
As for me taking part in the Hawaiian shirt day... Well, I have done in the past. Albeit in pretty sober Hawaiian shirt. It's just a shirt with a slightly different design, it's hardly dressing up in a stupid costume. Will I be wearing one this year? I doubt it. Why? Because I'm a little bored it now. That's all. Will I 'abuse' anyone who takes part? No.
I hope that was constructive enough for you.