Grendel wrote:Oh a further correction though. I've had more information. It seems the women were getting it in the neck because the woman with the free hands kept goading the boys about the Bridgend suicides. Given their ages and that I knew one or two of them, I believe they will have at least known a few of the kids that ended their lives.
That being the case - though I don't condone violence unless EVERYONE is up for it - the b i t c h had it coming.
Still glad to see the rest of you though.
i did not see the incident but heard the sirens later. i parked on that pub behind the ground, near tescos and had great banter with the locals. We stood near some locals in the 2nd half, who all game talked about something else rather than rugby and when the salford fans near the bar sang. they just shouted drunken abuse.