Quote Marsdengiant="Marsdengiant"Not sure how anyone is 'forced' off a forum (other than suspended / banned).
We probably are too soft, speaking for myself (i know you cant check) but i have no permanent bans to my name, couple have had temporary ones (and your close

) but none are permanently banned by me.
As someone said earlier some boards you cant say boo on so this is one of the more liberal ones, dont think the other 2 have banned many or im presuming id have had pm's saying they had.
Maybe it is time to get tough and start laying the "law" down a little, ive always tried to mod it thinking that the majority of us are adults and normally a pm or two does the trick rather than banning, it does help that i probably know or have met most posters on here so i can see how they intend their post to be other than just reading it and drawing the wrong conclusions.
As for the trolling, it goes on all forums (apart from wigan's

), where do you draw the line, no one is forced to reply to a troll, they normally go away if you dont bite, im probably as guilty as most for biting, i do get pm's asking me to ban them (not often i add) but if i did then it would be a lot duller.
As for lack of Huddersfield topics, if you think there are too few then start some, very rare i merge or lock a thread.
I personally think its better now but every now and again we have a bitchfest and a moan and we get these threads popping up, i got no problem with that, gets things out in the open.
Anyway roll on sunday and another win hopefully and a very good or bad day on here come monday