Rach wrote:It also eventually took the club into administration....
We are currently seeing the very real effects of a club throwing it all in to try and achieve the impossible and failing (Doncaster)...having been in that situation before at Cougar Park ,do we really want to go there again?
Ambition, yes , but not a the risk of financial suicide.
On the subject of free tickets , I've been told by the Development Lads that over the past few weeks 600 free kids tickets have been distributed
Rach as i said it also brought a lot of good things to the club.
Maybe getting someone who was involved, at the time of Cougar mania might be a good thing.
I am pretty certain i have seen Mike Smith down at Cougar park.
Now he really was a man of ideas.
I wonder if anyone at the club, has ever thought of approaching him to see what ideas he would have.
If he didn't want to be involved. What have the club lost?
I must admit i to am like goosey. In that i have my doubts if the classroom thing will bring in a lot of new supporters.
You are in a good position to answer to this.
How many kids who regularly attend the classroom sessions, also turn up regularly at home games?
Is the success of the scheme meeting the forecasted growth rate?
This is something that the club must surly be keeping a count of. If for no other reason than to work out the success of it.
I can see the benefit of the classroom scheme for the work in the community. This also ties in with getting new sponsors on side as they love that type of link.