redgunner wrote:Barton flyer! what looks bleak, Myler going, the lack of Stadium progress, lack of money or all of them?
I think it's essentially the stadium fiasco. Quite clearly the whole plan for SCR was based upon a new stadium, attracting greater income which would lead to a greater interest in the club, new investors and all round scope for improvement.
On that basis the Willows was sold last year and a lease-back deal apparently put in place - quite a good move, or
would have been if the new stadium had actually materialised - realise some cash in, have a limited outlay based on the planned move - everyone's a winner - BUT no-one figured in the credit crunch and the near collaps of the banking industry etc etc - So now if you ask yourself what is the business plan, and where is our increase in gates & income going to come from I think answers are rather hard to see.
That's what looks bleak !!