Alex BP' wrote:
Coley turned down lucrative offers back in 2004 to stay with Salford for another three years. He showed loyalty to Salford back then and couldn't be blamed for taking up a very good financial and on field opportunity in 2008 for what is a short career.
His decision to accept this last chance offer and the fact he might have had a poor 2007 season does not warrent Salford supporters singing songs that are willing him to die.
It's pathetic.
yes you are right he did turn down offers at that time, the thing is, many salford fans havent got two bad words to say about michael korkidas or david hodgson who left the club with a bit of dignity and played for us untill the end of the season and still put the effort in.
i have no problems with any player signin a contract with another club to better their career but when you sign a contract with another club and the first thing your own club knows about it is a press release from the other club ( ie wigan) saying such a player has signed a 2 year contract with them. i think you could understand our anger
plus when you see coley playing like he did tonight and indeed the time at the willows it makes you think why didnt he play like that for us in 2007
in his time coley was a great servent to our club but the way he left us was a complete insult to us, the fans, the club, and the game and for this HE DESERVES TO DIE A SLOW AND PAINFULL DEATH