crucrucrusaders wrote:First of all I do understand your pain.
I can agree and sympathise with almost everything you have written there. But you bring a lot of your problems on yourself because of what you have written below.
crucrucrusaders wrote:Sometimes it is easy for me to tar everybody with the same brush. If a Widnes fan has a go at me then it is all too easy and sometimes logical to have a go at their club rather than them personally as that is what they have done to you and is the only thing you really know about them. You know nothing other than the club they support so it is the only option to have a go at their club and fight fire with fire.
You will always get fans from other clubs who cannot let go, and think if they moan at your fans it will help in some way and make the problem go away. When you then have a go at their club, you are not fighting fire with fire you are fanning the flames. Try to take each detractor on as an individual, as I have tried to do with you, and leave the club insults out of it. I know it’s difficult, and occasionally impossible.
You are entering threads and slagging off all Widnes fans, for something that was mentioned by an idiot months ago on a totally different thread. You act as badly as the worst Widnes, Leigh or Fev troll.
crucrucrusaders wrote:I have no axe to grind with any other fans and would love to get on great
Unfortunately, you clearly do, particularly with Widnes fans. Even when Widnes fans are not slagging off CC, which is 99% of the time, you ruin perfectly reasonable threads. It seems to me you have a bigger problem with Widnes than any Widnes fan has with your club. I know, if there is a thread about Widnes on the VT, you’ll be there trolling. I’m probably more sick of the minority of Widnes fans moaning about CC than you are. You have to understand, that the majority of Widnes fans are, at worst, ambivalent about CC and many are actually supportive.
There are fans in every club in the land who do not agree with the way the licences were handed out, or the licence system itself. It’s not just about Widnes, Leigh or Fev fans. It’s just a pity they blame your fans and slag off your club, when they really should be happy RL could be spreading to Wales, and blaming the RFL for not being entirely honest.
crucrucrusaders wrote:If Saints had a go at my club I would react by having a pop at their club. There is no particular agenda against a certain club, it just happens to be the club we get most negativity and put downs from.
If you feel you’re getting more stick from Widnes fans than anyone else, that may be due to the situation. If you actually looked at it from our point of view it must be understandable, even to you. I don’t agree with Widnes fans coming on here slagging Celtic off, they’re still wrong to do it, but if it was Saints or Huddersfield or Wakey etc in our position, do you think they’d be any different?
If you continue to troll every Widnes thread on the VT, you’ll just end up making things worse and turning even the decent Widnes fans against you and your club. By all means give it to a Widnes troll with both barrels, I’ll even back you up, but when you just jump into threads slagging off all our fans and our club, you’re no better than a Widnes troll yourself and worthy of similar derision.
RL is a very traditional sport and many of it’s supporters families have also supported their club for generations. Many, including me, have had family members play for their club. This has kept the sport going for over 100 years. When you insult clubs like Widnes, Leigh and Fev you are insulting all that too.