Quote ="Boris"I did not state it was 'acceptable'. I merely stated that it was your opinion that it was unacceptable. Please show where I stated it was acceptable. You inferred that from my comment-I did not state it.
I personally am not going to be passing moral judgement on anyone else's sexual behaviour. What makes me qualified to pass such judgment?
Second, if JOhns wishes to engage in group sex, then so be it. Nothing to do with me. What consenting adults do in their own bedrooms is up to them. His wife has the final decision vis-a-vis whether she deems John's infidelity as something she can forgive.'"
I have no problems with Johns doing exactly what he wants - what I cannot accept is all this - "he is being treated unfairly rubbish" - Johns knew exactly what he was getting in to and the potential reprocussions on his career if it came out - he simply got his cummupence
If you don't think their relationship is damaged beyond repair then you are nieve - if your wife - if you have one - did this to you would you just shrug your shoulders and go ok no probs - I doubt it.