Quote jonh="jonh"In my opinion anyone that rates Hock as a talent over Locky is firstly looking out for the eye catching play and secondly ignoring the massive weakness of player.
Hock were i the coach would be the first player out of the door were I coach at this stage in time. Going forward can be good, but generally has poor ball retention, makes poor decisions and is a lazy defender.
The lad is basically a coach killer, crowd favorite for an occasional cameo apperance, but very little substance to him.'"
Completley disagree with this.
Under a good coach Hock would be a much improved player. He is having to do far too much work in the current Wigan team surrounded by a very poor pack of forwards.
If Hock and Locky were shown the door tomorrow i know which player would be joining one of the top clubs and it wouldnt be Locky.
I think Locky is a very good defender but to say that he is a greater talent than Hock is a strech.