Quote Roofs="Roofs"Ah right, gotcha.
Remember seeing an ad in Rugby League World mag for Down Under Leisure in Bolton with loads of sale Aussie stock. So, one Sat me and my brother took a drive there, to discover that it was a guy's house/garage on a housing estate.
However, he was really cool and we got some bargain training tops, shorts etc + an Aussie replica or too.
Was gutted when heard they'd shut the Anlaby store.

I think he has a shop now!!
We have some really rare and smart Rugby Union shiorts just arrived in, North Otago from NZ, Ciencias from Spain, Bararacuda Replica shirts, Sedgley Tigers (almost the same as Huddersfield so may not be too popular this week)Cornish Pirates, Holland RU, South Africa Vipers, Welsh Warriors and West Indies!!!
Will have them on the website soon enough