Quote jonh="jonh"If you have no belief or confidence in a leader do you think you would do your best and give your best? If you played a gameplan that consistently failed would you follow on happily?
You slate Locky constantly, but Locky is not the leader. Brian Noble is.'"
Brian Noble is not on the pitch. Locky should have been yelling at the players to get their ar$es to that scrum pronto. (or if you subscribe to the "leading by example BS- be sprinting there and urging them to follow).
He did bugger all.
On the question of "would I give my best if I didn't like my leader"? Of course.
That is the nature of the world. Leading is not a popularity contest. The players are members of a team. They have to follow the gameplan set by the coach and have to apply themselves 100%. If the gameplan fails then the coach gets the flak. It is not the players job to question that.
It is their job to put in 100% effort and play to the best of their abilities.
I say again, ambling to a scrum is not an example of this. Frankly it's a disgrace and an insult to the fans.