sundayroast wrote:Clifford based on what you are saying / what you have been told. There was never a need for Hock to find his passport because he was never going to France in the first place. Had he lost his passport he would have been delayed but not prevented from playing v Cats. He would not be the first player to arrive late due to passport problems. McIlorum and Lanzarote
Do you think Hock would be training if they are treating an injury? Surely your player friend has told you Hock has ongoing injury issues and to play requires injections? The team has already been named for Cats so you should know it already.
so what you saying, he wasnt going in the first place due to injury and that he has arrived late and is not playing because they cant get him fit??
ok if he has an injury and was not going there anyway , why are you saying he is there and they cant get him fit. he does have an ongoing injury problem but this usually does not stop him from being present with the team?. Have you seen him in France? the team was named tonight. he is not in it and not in the same hotel. your confusing me a bit. and even if what i have heard is rubbish , am i not allowed to post it, considereing that half the stuff on here is a load of rumours???