Quote Batesy="Batesy"We saw this on thursday for Ainscough's second try, and it's something Phelps offers us at fullback. I dont believe Pat's hands are good enough to throw the cut out ball that Cameron did. Finishing off the move that left Ainscough with the space he had.
However if we put Pat back on the wing who do we drop?! Ainscough? no way! Roberts? Maybe, but I think we have more to see from him yet.
I agree with everyone else that we need an experienced head for Sam to learn from, and I think with Barrett still here we could have won another couple of games this year at least. I'm not really sure wether or not we should play with Tommy at 9, because Mcilorum's distribution is not as good as Piggy's, but I reckon his defense is better and his scooting is more consistant. Riddell might be able to go 40M, but not often, Mcilorum scoots more like Colbon did, put his head through a gap and drive with his legs, making a few metres and taking pressure of our pack.'"
So what do you suggest?
I agree that Pat isn't a FB, now with my previous explanation I hope I've explained why. We bought him as a winger. I think Wigan didn't count on the success of Ainscough initially planning to have Roberts/Richards on the wings, but now with the poor quality of Mathers and the success of Ainscough we are left with Richards at FB, his goal kicking alone kepts him in the team.
I agree Phelps linking up in the line was great FB play, and maybe something we've never seen Pat do. Now I think we are examining each position in more detail, a FB job is far more than kick return and good field positioning.
I think Richards should be in competition with Roberts for the wing spot with us looking to get a true FB in over time to compliment our team. Ainscough is by far the best winger we have showing Roberts up.